Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 113- Women in Comics 03- I Am A Proxy of Tulips- Ms. Marvel #01-#05 (and Listener Feedback!)



In this week's ball-stealing episode, Magnus rambles about Ms. Marvel #1-#5 written by Brian Reed, penciled by Roberto De La Torre and inked by Jimmy Palmiotti. Unlike last week, wherein Magnus rambled a bit too much so there was only time for one issue, this time around the discussion revolves around five issues of Ms. Marvel. So there's some progress, yes? This all relates to the megaseries about women in comics which is cleverly titled Women in Comics. Comics about female characters are what are on the docket now and in the next few episodes. And, as has been said, the focus this week is Ms. Marvel. Is she just Marvel's Supergirl? Or is there something unique to Carol Danvers that sets her apart not only from Supergirl but also from all other superheroes in either the Marvel or the DC universes? If the answer to that was no, do you really think she would be the subject of this week's show? For those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "Yo