Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 115- Women in Comics 05- The Wildest (and Cutest) Web-Swinger of All!- Spider-Girl #01 (with Scott Ryfun)



In this week's ball-ambushing episode, Magnus wraps up the megaseries about women in comics, cleverly titled Women in Comics, by reading Spider-Girl #01 written by Tom DeFalco and drawn by Pat Oliffe. This title is to Spider-Man what Batman Beyond is to Batman... a sentiment somewhat agreed with by this week's guest, Scott Ryfun (of Dinner 4 Geeks fame). Magnus and Scott go through this issue with a fine-toothed comb. Scott actually agreed to discuss the first four issues of this series but His Excellency was so in awe of this issue's awesome splendor and splendid awesomeness that there was only time for the one issue. Scott was a good sport about it and agreed to return in the future to discuss the next three issues. As to this week's subject matter, what's so special about this comic that people still talk about it over 15 years later? More importantly, did our brave hosts enjoy this comic? Wouldn't answering that question here defeat the point of listening to both hours of Magnus and Scott's discussion? Fo