Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 138- Maybe- Man of Steel Retrospective Part 01 (with Jon M. Wilson)



In this week's ball-analyzing episode, Magnus is once again rejoined by Jon M. Wilson to begin winding down the ultra super mega epic 13-part Batman v. Superman megaseries epic of ultra superness! This megaseries has been all about saluting Batman comics, Superman comics and Batman & Superman comics! Starting next week is a five hour long Man of Steel retrospective as well spread across three episodes followed, finally, by an initial reaction episode for Batman v Superman! In terms of comics, this megaseries is all about the old, the new and a tasteful selection of stuff in between! But this week, things take a turn as Magnus and Jon eschew comics altogether to begin a long, fond look back at 2013's Man of Steel. Yes indeed, for episodes 138, 139 and 140, Jon and a flu-stricken Magnus analyze Man of Steel, talk about how awesome some things are, what maybe could've been handled better and generally have a great old time. Disregard some of the remarks by Jon and Magnus about this retrospective being contai