Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 152- You Poor Little Thing- Batgirl- Year One



This week is a ball-kicking episode! Look at the artwork! Batgirl is kicking a bad guy in the balls! The BALLS! How was I *EVER* not using this for the art this week! So here we go! In this week's ball-kicking episode, Magnus continues the Batgirl and Robin epic megaseries! This one's all about Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson and their rather bizarre relationship! You see, boys and girls, this all spun out of a Batman comic book reading project your wise emperor undertook a week or three before recording these episodes, whereupon he discovered the Babs/Dick ship subplot. Yes, this subplot was completely invisible to Magnus prior to just a few months ago. Really! This week, the spotlight falls on the Batgirl- Year One miniseries, which modernizes and updates Babs' entry point into the DCU. Or DCM. Or whatever the hell they call it this week. Even though this is certainly an update, it is striking (no, really, *YOU WILL BE STRUCK*) how faithful this enterprise is overall to Barbara's original introduction. Much fu