Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 196- Imagine the Fire- The Dark Knight Rises retrospective (with Professor Alan!)



In this week's ball-crippling episode, the epic megaseries of mega epicness about the Chris Nolan Batman trilogy and the first three Harry Potter movies concludes! In this week's adventure, Magnus once again teams up with Professor Alan from the Relatively Geek network to talk about The Dark Knight Rises. The conversation takes some interesting turns, not least because one of the participants had not seen TDKRises since it was out in theaters. In true click-bait fashion, "the results will surprise, amaze and astonish you". All this while Magnus and the good professor don't talk about Nolan's probable political views as implied by his entire Batman trilogy. Not too much anyway. So what more do you need? Start listening now or else Bane will steal your private jet and crash this plane with no survivors. Due to the blitzkrieg of badassitude this week, unfortunately there's just no time for listener feedback this week. But don't cry about it, some is coming in the future! So dry your eyes! Use the time wisely! Th