Maximize Excellence




Ever wonder how some people score big in business? In this week's episode, Jaimie Jay of Slapshot studios shares how he did it with 3 simple core values he embraces in his business. JAY's SLAPSHOT NETS A HAT TRICK - Quality, Service, Connection. In this episode, you’ll discover: How to "invite your customers into your world" & make an authentic CONNECTION Jaimie incorporated fun into his brand and SERVICE to create his "USP" How themed generosity helped Slapshot partner with Jaime's favorite charity and raise $100K for the St. Louis PD mastermind "A" How dreaming will KILL your career progress What group helped Jaime propel his business forward and how you join "A" QUALITY group like it Join the Conversation One of the things I like best about interviewing successful people is learning what you took away from it to help you Maximize Excellence in your life: Here's a Question: What is it about your job or business you enjoy most? You can leave a COMMENT by clicking here. Explore Additional Resource