Soul Music Of The World

Jua: A Testament of Quality Soul Music



Some individuals may recognize early in life their dreams yet only a few dedicate themselves to the actual realization of those same dreams. And then there’s Jua. "Jua" Swahili for the "Sun", was born in Chicago, Illinois; home of the "Musical Melting Pot". He discovered at a young age that the sound of his voice blended with various types of music, moved others to take notice. Encouraged to share this talent, Jua began performing in fourth grade in the Oakton Elementary School Chorus in Evanston, IL. By the time his family moved to Alabama in 1989, Jua had developed an undeniable love for singing. He continued performing as a soloist with choruses and church choirs, in school musicals, community pageants, fashion shows and weddings throughout high school. During his junior year in 1996, Jua was selected to perform with the Alabama All-State Boys Choir. That same year, he was awarded not only the "Best Choral Member" award by the Alabama Boys State Chorus but received a full four year vocal scholarship to Mon