Soul Music Of The World

Hassanah and Big Brooklyn Red



Sorry for the delay....this hiatus was not planned. My laptop was stolen out of my hotel room back in January! Can you believe it? First the appendectomy, then the theft. What was upsetting about the laptop was the hotel staff gave a complete stranger access to my room. Yeah, while I was out checking out the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, someone was in my room jamming to all the great music and videos I had amassed over time. It's been about five weeks and still, no settlement from the hotel. Needless to say, I won't stay with that chain again. Where did I stay? I thought you'd never ask!  or Turns out I was the victim of  scam targeting foreign tourists. My personal information was given to an outsider who proceeds to "check in" to my room. No identification is necessary as long as the name and room number are presented by the person requesting access. Even though the staff member admitted that she neglected to verify identification and I lost over $6,000