Soul Music Of The World

Old School Live mixed by DJ Kaio (France)



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Or shall I say "oui, oui". DJ Kaio rips it up like no other on this Old School Live mixtape! He's a master blender and keeps a tight flow. So what are you waiting for? The tracklist? ha ha  Just imagine the hip hop , rap, and soul music that the scene showcased in the early nineties and beyond. Think of blends that were so nice you had to rewind the tape a couple of times. How about that scratch that was so crisp you found yourself pretending to be on the turntables....? Yeah, that's this mix and we want your feedback.   Find DJ Kaio on Facebook and be sure to hit us up there or Myspace as well. The ole familiar email address always works too. download, share, and enjoy....