Belle Fever Stories Podcast

Podcast2: Family is everything to me – this keeps them close



Listen to all of Sue’s story here Sue from Harden-Murrumburrah in NSW considers her family the most important thing in her life and wanted to get something special for herself, as a way to keep her loved ones next to her heart – without engraving the names on her heart, this was the closest thing she could get. “Family is just everything to me. It's my reason to get up each day and to be here and to be here for them.  My purpose in life is to be here for kids and my grandchildren and to have it around my neck it's really special.” She chose the Belle Fever Circles of Love necklace as it had room for all the family, She put her husband’s name on the inner circle, her children and their partners on the second circle and her grandchildren on the outside “Basically, family is everything to me. These names are the people that I get up and live for.” Sue especially liked the flexibility to add further engraving in the future and she