Macarthur Memorial Podcast

Eisenhower and MacArthur



In terms of personality and style, it would be difficult to find two more different men than General MacArthur and General Eisenhower. Praised by newspapers as “Destiny’s Child,” and “Mars,” General MacArthur was larger than life - dramatic, proud, and aristocratic. In contrast, General Eisenhower was often described by his contemporaries as personable, steady, and far more practical than MacArthur. Ten years MacArthur’s junior, Eisenhower would spend a great portion of his career working as MacArthur’s military aide. Predictably, their relationship was at times tense. Privately Eisenhower would write that MacArthur was a “genius” one day, and a “baby” the next. In a similar fashion, MacArthur would write that Eisenhower’s value to the Army was “Superior,” but would later make it clear in his autobiography that he thought himself far superior to Eisenhower. Publically however, both men always presented a united front – refusing to ever criticize each other in the press. This podcast will explore the M