Warner Archive Podcast

Blu Titans Go!



Get ready to "Come Back a Star!" with the newly restored 42nd Street (1933) along with the smash hit Teen Titans GO! Season 1 (2013) both making their Blu-ray debut. Then it's time for classic TV drama - STAT! - with Dr. Kildare Season 4 (1964-65). Later, we take a wild and wooly ride South and West with BLACK GOLD (1947), SON OF BELLE STARR (1953), SOMBRERO (1953), ARROW IN THE DUST (1954), MARAUDERS (1955), BLACK PATCH (1957), and THE HIRED GUN (1957). Finally, we investigate some mysterious suspensers with KID GLOVE KILLER (1942), ESCAPE FROM EAST BERLIN (1962), SCORPIO LETTERS (1967) and EVERY LITTLE CROOK AND NANNY (1972).