Ara City Radio

PwC People Pulse: Philanthropy in a Corporate Environment



In this engaging segment of the PwC People Pulse, Olivier and Begga discuss the exciting philanthropic work behind their corporate foundation. The conversation centres around the foundation's mission to give back to the Luxembourg community and beyond, with a particular focus on education, culture, and humanitarian aid. Olivier, part of the foundation’s leadership, shares insights into the structured, professional approach the firm has taken to formalize their charitable initiatives, moving beyond informal pro-bono work and into a more impactful, organized space. Begga, who heads the cultural committee, gives listeners a behind-the-scenes look at the foundation's projects. One notable example is the support of a cross-border cultural initiative designed to foster artistic production and provide residency opportunities for digital artists in Luxembourg and the surrounding regions. Begga also discusses the foundation's commitment to making culture accessible, particularly for underprivileged or immigrant co