Happier With Gretchen Rubin

Happier - Ep. 382: Responsibility-Shifting Questions, Being a Better Manager, and Why You Might Rent a Salad Bowl



We discuss why we’re trying to stop asking responsibility-shifting questions (which we both do, often), talk about an easy way to rent little-used items, and talk to legendary Silicon Valley manager Russ Laraway about how to be a better manager. Get in touch: @gretchenrubin; @elizabethcraft; podcast@gretchenrubin.comGet in touch on Instagram: @GretchenRubin & @LizCraftGet the podcast show notes by email every week here: http://gretchenrubin.com/#newsletterGet the resources and all links related to this episode here: http://happiercast.com/382Leave a voicemail message on: 774-277-9336For information about advertisers and promo codes, go to happiercast.com/sponsorsWant to be happier in 2022? Order Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project to see how she approached the question, “How can I be happier?” and start a Happiness Project of your own.Happier with Gretchen Rubin is part of ‘The Onward Project,’ a family of podcasts brought together by Gretchen Rubin—all about how to make your life better. Check ou