Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

Segment A: Banned Books Week / Segment B: The U.S. & Asia - Globalization



Segment A: Banned Books Week What do the books "Alice In Wonderland," "Ulysses," and "Dick and Jane" have in common? At one time or another, access to all three books has been restricted by a government. In honor of Banned Books Week (September 25 - October 2), we'll discuss the practice of banning books because of their religious, moral or political content with ODU English professor and national expert on banned books, Alicia DeFonzo. We'll also hear from Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Deputy Director of the American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom.Segment B: The U.S. & Asia - Globalization The U.S. & Asia are Separated by oceans, but economically speaking, the relationship is closer than ever. With increasing reliance on Chinese investments, the Indian workforce, and are American policymakers overlooking some crucial elements and resources? Nayan Chanda, Director of Publications from the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization joins us in studio to discuss our relationship to Asia, a