Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

Segment 1 - Your Brain & Business: Switched-On Selling / Segment 2 - The "F" Bomb: Overcoming Fear In Business



Segment 1 - Your Brain & Business: Switched-On Selling In the sales and marketing world of business, success can also require someone to go beyond traditional sales techniques and address deeper psychological and physiological challenges and opportunities to get ahead in the game. Highly-successful salespeople more easily work through challenges and keep focused on their goals. In Dr. Jerry Teplitz's new book "Switched-On Selling: Balance Your Brain for Sales Success," he teaches some fascinating ideas about improving your brain for better selling success. Segment 2 - The "F" Bomb: Overcoming Fear In Business Fear in the business world can easily lead to failure. In a tough economy, the challenges can be even more so and deliver that "running into a brick wall" feeling. Kelly Meerbot, small business owner, advertising, public relations and creative professional with Meerbott Marketing has called "fear in business" the "F" bomb. She'll join us with some ideas that might help you push past your fears