Hearsay With Cathy Lewis

Segment A: The Role of Social Networking on Public EngagementSegment B: Sticking To Your Resolution?



Segment A: The Role of Social Networking on Public Engagement We'll discuss the growing power of social networking and its rise and influence on public engagement. We examine the way in which social media have given rise to an opportunity for people to move from observing stories to influencing them. From comments on YouTube videos to Facebook fan pages, many recent news stories have blossomed after they've spread through social networks. How is this changing the way news and information distribution evolves? Join us! Segment B: Sticking To Your Resolution? Lose weight. Stop smoking. Stop drinking Enjoy life more. Get organized. New Year's resolutions are everywhere, but are you sticking to yours? HearSay's tech consultant and motivational expert Ed Sykes joins us to talk about the many ways you can "jumpstart" that flailing resolution. We'll explore some of the online and high-tech tools that can help you keep that personal pledge. Listener Question: How do you find success in sticking to your r