Turning Inward With Dr. Vivian Carrasco

Learning to See in the Dark



You may think it’s your light that gives you power. When actually it’s your ability to see in the dark I’m offering a Novena this season to help us Embrace the Light in the Darkness The Novena* begins on the Feast of Our Lady and ends the day before Winter Solstice Enter your email in the form linked below to subscribe to the daily emails. https://drvivicarrasco.kit.com/novena COVID-19 and Creative Struggles The past few years have been transformative. COVID-19 hit hard, leaving us all with memories and experiences that are now etched into our lives. Some of these moments are blessings, while others are tinged with pain and loss. Yet, they all contribute to the polishing of our spirits. For over a decade, I’ve nurtured my creative spirit, struggling and learning as I go. Creative pursuits have varied from wrapping rocks to weaving and even working with clay. These activities ground me, offering spiritual fulfillment and teaching me to honor the whispers of intuition that call me to create and express. The Pus