Sylvia Global

What is Sylvia Global and Who is Gael Sylvia? Part 1 of 2



Sylvia Global is a digital media platform devoted to promoting the good that is within us and around us. Connect with Sylvia Global and you truly connect with people around the world.  Global conversations that give you direct access to important people, caring people, information, tools and tips, and practical resources. Sylvia Global explores the impact of global conversations pertaining to women, business, faith, leadership, philanthropy and wealth (How women earn it! Grow it! And Give it away!)  Sylvia Global inspires social change, promotes tolerance, acceptance, and leadership. Sylvia Global offers conversations that give a voice to the good that is around all of us, and how we can perpetuate it.   Sylvia Global is a digital production company, delivering engaging multicultural content for women of all ages, with a highly engaged audience.  YOU!