Heather Dubrow's World

Heart-Centered w/ Danielle LaPorte



After such hectic times, even if they’re of the good kind, it’s always important to come back to center–heart center that is. No one knows that better than author Danielle LaPorte. She joins Heather to discuss her newest book “How To Be Loving” and why we should be thinking of love on a grand scale. It’s not just about expressing your love but showing up as love and embodying love in order to live a nourishing gentle life. Heather and Danielle discuss the toxic trait no one ever talks about but that we’re all guilty of–addiction to achievement. While setting goals for yourself is important, if you’re the type of person who is constantly setting and achieving your goals but still feel a sense of emptiness then this episode is a necessary listen. Learn about why this phenomenon happens, what the ego has to do with it, and how to shift your mindset. Plus, what do you think would happen if you start to revere the traits you dislike the most about yourself? Danielle offers Heather a perspective on her reactivity