Organic Gardener Podcast

266. Get your garden body on! | Edible Flowers • Microclimates | Agriscaping Green Business Opportunities with Justin Rohner | Gilbert, AZ



Justin Rohner is a presenter and speaker and owner of Agriscaping! I didn’t realize you have a restaurant. Tell us a little about yourself. Serve a number of restaurants in the Phoenix. About me and who I am which is sort of a serial entrepreneur. honed my skills to put all my eggs in one  Agriscaping I’m all about improving local food economies strengthening families strengthening communities what I’m doing fits into one of those categories. Tell me about your first gardening experience? born in Alexandra VA just outside Washington DC, my dad was in the FBI I remember a forest, living in a forest and went back and visited it was 4 trees thick by a busy road! It was nothing but a couple of trees but I was a kid. I moved to Arizona when I was young Being in the garden with my mom little kid probably about five years old peas seeing this caterpillar rolling across the slow motion tiny thing in the garden I could be with the caterpillar infatuated by everything about how plants grew and tha