Organic Gardener Podcast

Jesse Frost ~ host of the No Till Market Garden Podcast and one half of Rough Draft Farmstead | Interview 286



I’m so excited! It’s Monday March My guest has been here before but he’s started his own podcast the No-Till Market Gardener Podcast and from Kentucky he’s here to tell us about their  garden journey and a rockstar millennial right? There’s Jesse Frost to tell us about his podcast and farmstead! Tell us a little about yourself. I am one half of the farm team, my wife Hannah Crabtree is the other half, arguably the better half. We’re in Central Kentucky about 25 min hour from Louisville nw of lexington. Kind of in the middle of the state it’s a pretty hopping spot as far as Kentucky goes. We have 3/4 of an acre mixed vegetables Our 4 year old has 10 chickens! Mostly we have vegetables. Our entire farm is 100% no tillage I’m happy to talk about that The podcast is geared towards that No-Till Market Gardener Podcast growers like ourselves who are small production but trying to make a living off our vegetables. farm ecologically eliminate tillage various people all over the country all over the world And talk a