Organic Gardener Podcast

Replay of interview 132 with The Permaculture Student | Matt Powers | Yosemite and Fresno, CA



Matt Powers is an experienced teacher, family guy, author, consultant, farmer, seed saver, plant breeder, musician, blogger, & permaculturist and creator of the permaculture student curriculum and online course. Permaculture Student Online Curriculum The Permaculture Student Curriculum is focused on starting resilient small businesses and homesteads from scratch. Students of all ages and families learn through weekly collections of videos, worksheets, coloring pages, projects, activities, & critical thinking with teacher’s guides, recipes, plant focus, seed saving, & Q&A. Mike found a great guest on Facebook yesterday, we are having a bit of a tech issue, but he is dropping lots of “golden seeds” about everything from gardening to promoting an online business, and running a positive Kickstarter campaign! Plus he’s a fellow educator! Interesting that you guys found me yesterday!!! Tell us a little about yourself. I’m a seed saver, a plant breeder, and an organic garden