Organic Gardener Podcast

Health Coach Sarah Clark | Host of the Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast | Author of Fabulously Fertile



Interview 289 with Health Coach Sarah Clark | Author of Fabulously Fertile + Host of Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast Thursday May 2, 2019 I have another podcaster on the line we are going to talk about eating healthy today. The Get Pregnant Naturally Podcast. Thanks for being on the show today. This is something that touches me personally, because Mike and I never had kids. I always tell people if I would have had my iPod touch when I was trying to get pregnant I’m sure we would have had kids. But anyway tech has come so far so I’m glad you have some solutions for people! Tell people about your podcast and business. I help couples who are struggling with infertility. I had my own struggle I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at the age of 28 and that is the loss of function of the ovaries before the age of 40. For me I had these weird health systems cycles were irregular urinary tract infections acne in early 20s cycles were irregular I got married at 25 kids at 28 my cycl