Organic Gardener Podcast

263. Advancing Eco Agriculture | Where Plant Health Builds Soil Health | CEO John Kempf


Sinopse excited because my guest today has this amazing green future grower story I KNOW listeners are going to absolutely love! So if you’re driving don’t worry I’ll make awesome SHOWNOTES because I know we are going to have a million golden seeds dropped with this amazing interview. CEO of Advancing Ego Agriculture, John Kempf is on a mission to “produce healthier soil, stronger crops, and consistently higher yields!”What I love about his story is how he started out and I can’t wait for you to hear it too! His passion for growing healthy soil and healthy plants for profit is contagious! Tell us a little about yourself.I love what I do I have fun!I grew up in a family vegetable farm in snow-belt south of Lake ErieSmall scale market ~ fruits and veggies for wholesale marketsearly 2000s we had 3 consecutive yearsintense diseasewe lost majority of crops to a variety of disease and insectsIn the 3rd year in 2004, we observed thatplants which were grown on healthy soilbetter bi