Organic Gardener Podcast

314. Green TEAM Academy | Online Earth Summit| Climate Action Breakthrough Joan Gregerson | Denver, CO


Sinopse us a little about yourself.In Denver CO, one of a big familyI’m 59 years oldwe were nature kidsIDK if they understand that they are nature kidsbeing one of 8 kids ~ my poor mom trying to cook for 10 people 3 times a dayclimbing treesdigging holes in the backyardAt age 10 got my first job working for my dad if I needed a dollarHe was a petroleum engineer, so I plotted all the data. You plotted a curve on logarithmic paper and draw it out to 0. No wonder I’m such a nerd! and I’m on my 5th grade. I ask himwhat are you doing?why are you focused so much on this?I was age 10 that was 1970 he said, I’m talking to people at the oil company.I thought the adults have it under controlfirst earth day was in 197010% of the populationit was really started as a teach inseries of teach inpeople just get together and talk to each otherwhat do you feel like is importantwhat do I feel is important and what do we need to mak