Organic Gardener Podcast

July 17, 2020 Garden Update | Composting Webinar | Listen App | JMB Podcasting Double Down Rant



The amazing Patti Armbrister is going to teach a composting class for Organic Garden Podcast listeners completely online Saturday July 18, 2020 at 10:00 am MST/12:00pm EST for only $37.00Get your seat hereWe will be learning how to make not only more compost, but Great Compost and Easy Compost too!What's new in our garden, my inability to deal with Facebook anymore and my desire to double down on podcasting, and a bit about the world. Just a typical JMB rant in the middle of summer in the middle of a pandemic in the middle of NW Montana. Stay safe and thanks for listening! [gallery ids="137017,137018" type="rectangular"][caption id="attachment_137019" align="aligncenter" width="449"] Broccoli Harvest 2020[/caption][caption id="attachment_137020" align="aligncenter" width="464"] Buckwheat growing in compost and grass clippings on top of cardboard[/caption] join the amazing Patti Armbrister and I to