Organic Gardener Podcast

332. Flower Farming • Bokashi Composting • Worms | Matt Arthur | BLH Farm | Missouri



 My Garden JournalWelcome to the GREEN Organic Garden podcast. It is Saturday, July 18, 2020, and I have an amazing guest on the line. You have to check out their website is so beautiful and just full of lots of great stuff. And here to share with us today from B L H Farm is Matt Arthur. You can find BLH Farm on Facebook here.So welcome to the show, Matt.Hi, Jackie.And we'll talk, I mean, I want to ask you about yourself, but I really want to know what B L H stands for.1 (1m 41s):Yeah, so it stands for Boone's Lake Heritage Farm. I grew up in central, Missouri on a family farm. It still had the wagon ruts from Daniel Boone's trail West from Missouri through to the Southwest. So I grew up playing on a Creek and in the field with those wagon trails so visable.So we started our flower farm now on some of our land that wasn't being used for row crops. I wanted to let everybody know that this is just a real part of our, our history here is seeing these, this trail and thinking about people who came befor