Organic Gardener Podcast

Awesome Earthkind Podcast Giveaway | Rodale Email | August Update



Hey everyone, I just a quick in between interviews post today, an email from Rodale's, a giveaway opportunity from Earth Kind Podcast and a SHORT update on our garden.GIVEAWAY LINK: safe and let's get growing!Jackie :-)As the world reopens, a threat to our health still looms. What we eat, and how we grow it, is critical to maintaining our health as we seek to recover from a global pandemic.By Jeff Moyer, Rodale Institute CEOThe world is slowly reopening—but the COVID-19 crisis isn’t over, and everyone still has concerns. While in many areas, the number of cases is decreasing, our health will remain in danger until we make a major change and paradigm shift. That change is closer than you might think. It’s in your kitchen, your backyard garden, and at the farmers market you visit every weekend.The solution is our soil and in our food. What we eat is critical to protecting our health, and our broken food system needs an overhaul....The coronavirus pandemic