Organic Gardener Podcast

330. The Flower Evolution | FlowerLounge Podcast | Katie Hess | Phoenix, AZ


Sinopse Garden JournalWelcome to the Green Organic Garden Podcast. Today. It is Friday, July 24th, 2020. And I have a guest, I know you are going to love her. You are going to learn things that I have never had any idea. She's written the most beautiful books. If you get it, make sure you go to Amazon and leave it a five star review or a review, you know, anyway, because it is just, it is show informative and it's so powerful and it's about flowers and I love it.   Katie Hess+ FollowThe FlowerLounge PodcastFlowerevolution: Blooming into Your Full Potential with the Magic of FlowersAnd she has a podcast. You're gonna love that. So from the flower lounge podcast and author of flower revolution here today is Katie has to dazzle us and just share. She's gonna drop tons of golden seeds. So welcome to the show, Katie, thank you so much. It's such a joy to be here, Jackie. Oh, well, I am just, I'm just touch. I could not believe it. When I opened the package that you sent me in