Organic Gardener Podcast

Soil Sista Saturday 2022 | July 30, 2022 | Golden Listener Aileen Catrone



JackieMarie and Aileen share what's growing well, what's their biggest challenge this summer and what they're cooking from their garden in 2022. Aileen is in NJ And JackieMarie is in NW Montana.Paris Island Romaine is growing well for Aileen. She is growing in containers this year at her new home. Nasturtiums and basil grew really well for Aileen this year as well which are both edible and fantastic companion plants that the beneficial insects enjoy and the bugs tend to stay away from.They are eating lots of pesto! Mike and JackieMarie are having success with tomatoes, Swiss chard, raspberry bushes, peppers and sunflowers. Last year we got raspberries from Peaceful Valley in California. Everything needs water, is Jackie's biggest challenge for sure.Jackie said she is eating the last tomato sauce she made last summer. Some beet greens.Aileen referred to Jackie's interview with Mark Risdall Smith who wrote theThe Vertical Veg Guide to Container Gardening: How to Grow an Abundance of Herbs, Vegeta