Inspirational Leaders

16: Inspiring Leader Tyrone “Cyclone” Tongia – Founder, CycloneHQ



  This podcast features Tyrone Tongia, also known as Coach Cyclone. Tyrone is a personal trainer committed to engaging and supporting his clients through professional boxing protocols. His momentous boxing accolades are as a retired 3 x  consecutive Australian Pro Boxing Champion and coached a World Boxing champion Brett W Smith “Handful”. It all started when Tyrone was 9 years old and a friend introduced him to boxing as a means of fitness.How do you use fear as a catalyst to perform as opposed to it being debilitating emotion? “Just take action. In a boxing sense you can’t stop and think about it, you just have to react and create action. But there are other areas in your life where you do stop and think your way through it just that little bit more. Just identifying it and then what do you do… I think the fear at the start is much more different than towards the end of it.”“Boxing is just the vehicle, the real end goal there is about self-development and being a better version of yourself.” Tyrone not onl