Hampton Blu Radio

Siya of Oxygen's Sisterhood of Hip Hop + Hot Topic: Iggy Azalea, Tyga + MORE



Tune in as Hollie Wood, Venor, and Miss Juddy of Hollie Wood & Friends interview rapper Siya aka The Bed-Stuy Bully.  Hollie Wood & Friends speak with Siya about life on Oxygen's Sisterhood of Hip Hop and also speak to her about her newest single; "Real MVP."  Hot topics include: Iggy Azalea Confronting Paparazzo, Tyga leaving Young Money, Trey Songz & Chris Brown collaboration, and MORE! #TheSundayDinner crew also talks on Reckless & Ratchet & What Blows Mine!  Official SIYA Website: http:damnsiya.com  BUY Siya's Newest Single, "Real MVP" on iTunes Now!