Living Astrology

Living Astrology: Full "Super" Moon in Aquarius Across from a Leo Stellium



This Week on Living Astrology:   Full "Super" Moon in Aquarius Across from a Leo Stellium of Planets - Wow! Today we're going to be taking a look at this upcoming Full "super" Moon in Aquarius and how it is going to be effecting all of us - especially since right across from the full moon is a host of planets in Leo.  To me it feels like we are really going to be in the energy of letting go of anything that doesn't resonate with our Purpose, Passion or Life Path.  Even though this may feel a little crazy to some of us, it's really the Universe helping guide us to our right destinies!!   We will be doing Full Moon readings for people.  Please email me by 3:00 pm Pacific the day of the show with your birth date, birth time and birth place: or   Call into the show at 1-347-205-9869 for your reading or to ask questions.