Living Astrology

Solar Eclipse Recap - What Comes Next?



Today on Living Astrology Radio - Solar Eclipse Recap - What Comes Next?  Believe it or not, we have not heard the end of the Solar Eclipse that occurred on Monday.  We still have two planets - Mercury & Mars - that will blend their energies with that of the eclipse, and this promises more crazy "game changing" events.  Because Mercury is retrograde, we may be staring at a past that we have yet to heal, and with Mars in the mix, something confrontational is likely going to occur.  In other words, the fireworks show is not over!  Today we want to hear about your Eclipse stories, how you're feeling post-eclipse, and find out if you have a sense of what is to come.  We will be doing as many readings as time allows.  If you would like a reading, please call into the show 1-646-787-1519 between 4-5 pm PT /7-8 pm ET.  Be prepared to give your birth information (date, time & place).