Living Astrology

Saturn: Fiend or Friend



Today onLiving AstrologyRadio - Saturn:  Fiend or Friend? Last week we looked at the ending of Saturn's sojourn through Sagittarius, but I neglected (or missed completely) the fact that Saturn will be conjunct the Galactic Center, source of cosmic evolution in our solar system, as we move into the end of November into December.  What does this mean for us mere mortals living here on this beautiful blue planet Earth?  Today we will talk about the potential of this conjunction and the path forward as Saturn moves into Capricorn, the sign it rules, in December.  Let's explore Saturn's potential to be our Friend or a Fiend.  Join us today at 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET on BlogTalk Radio.  We will be doing some readings during the show today - dial 1-646-787-1519 for a look at your astrological chart.