Living Astrology

The Key to Your Dreams - But ... Have You Turned The Lock?



Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. Mars, the planet of dynamic action and forward motion, moves today into the Gate 41-Fantasy, for the next four weeks. Then, next week, the South Node (gifts, talents, karma) also moves into this gate . What could this mean for us all with an emphasis of two planets on Fantasy? That's what we're going to find out this morning! Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report. You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there! My website: Facebook: