Living Astrology

Relationships in Astrology - How Planets in the 5th & 7th Houses Flavor Your Cha



Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. How do the planets color, shape and change the houses and signs that are involved with our relationships? This week we are focusing in on astrology in relationships and that is the subject we take up this morning - the planets in the 5th House of Love & Romance, and the 7th House of Marriage & Partnerships. Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.  You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there!   My website: Facebook: