Living Astrology

Venus and The Maya - A New Perspective on Venus Retrograde



Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page.   Happy Monday everyone!  Today we're looking at the energies of the week ahead, and they are as blustery this week as the autumn winds blowing.  Venus finally gets to her Rx station, Mars squares Venus, and there is much to say about the Venus cycle we are in the midst of - especially when we look at how other cultures, namely the Maya & Mesoamerican cultures, viewed cycles of Venus.      Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.  You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there! My website: Facebook: