Living Astrology

Balancing the Builder and the Dreamer



Join Astrologer Janet Hickox in the MetaCafe - weekdays at 8:00 am PT/11:00 am ET for your Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report. Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page.   There is so much to talk about today - the weekend astrology, the Moon in Aries squaring Saturn & Pluto, the Sun, Saturn and Neptune in a dance of spirit and matter, and Mercury conjunct the Sun exact on Monday. We're going on a ride today!   Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.   You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there! Facebook: