Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly

The Connection Between Genius Minds and Belief in God (Atheist Book Response, Part 19)



Some Christians claim that since some intelligent people believe in God, it must be true! Who are we to say that they are wrong? Well, as Armin writes, "Experts are not always right. Even very smart people can be wrong." So, is there a connection between genius minds and belief in God? Atheist Armin Navabi addresses this argument in chapter 19 of his book, "Why There Is No God." He contends that this line of argumentation commits the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority. "A fact isn't true because someone said it was...Therefore, accepting a claim only because an expert made it and ignoring evidence to support or refute the claim flies in the face of the scientific method." At the same time, "belief in a deity does not automatically make someone stupid." Join the show as we walk through Armin's chapter and look at how to think about intelligent people who believe in God. As always, I will be taking your questions! So come join the show, post your questions in the live chat, and call in to discuss what'