Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster

Episode 298: Revelation Chapter 3-4 The Lukewarm Church and Twenty-four Elders11-03-24



Cyndi Foster, founder of Beauty For Ashes, Inc ( a nonprofit church and ministry) produces radio and social media broadcasts reaching a national and international audience.  Training and equipping leaders for apostolic ministry worldwide. The first hand experiences learned overseeing a local church in Newport News, Virginia have been a training ground to prepare prophetic and apostolic leaders.  Healing, Deliverance and Inner Healings ( Healing the broken-hearted) are everyday activities. Member of both International Society of Deliverance Ministers (ISDM)  and Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) as well as other Christian Associations. Important links: Cyndi’s book Joy Comes In The Morning: https://beautyforashes.org/Shop/Secti... Website: https://beautyforashes.org/Groups/100... Partnership and Mentoring: https://mentoring.beautyforashes.org/... Facebook:   / bfachurch   Podcast :https://cyndifosterbfa.podbean.com/ and https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Subscribe to this channel:    / @cy