The James Altucher Show

He Was So Fed up with Traffic, He Redrew the Map (Literally!) | Uri Levine



Uri Levine was frustrated by traffic jams on his commute and found validation that the problem was widespread. His solution was to co-found Waze, the crowd-sourced GPS navigation platform which became a major competitor to Google Maps before being acquired by Google for $1.4 billion.But Uri's new book,  Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs is not the story of Waze. It's not one story about entrepreneurship. It's completely an A-to-Z handbook for entrepreneurs with so many specific sections, like:How to do a demo,How to build a slide deckHow to make an effective presentationHow do you evaluate a term sheet?What metrics do you use to measure the growth of your company?How do you manage investors, fire people, and hire people?What deal terms need to be negotiated for the exit?This is such a valuable guide, it really is, and today's conversation builds upon these principles. Listen on as Uri & James discuss all of these topics and more, including:Waze built its maps us