Moody Presents

2023-06-17 Experiencing Grassroots Renewal part 1



Welcome to MOODY PRESENTS with Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute and Senior Pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago.  Pastor Mark, will begin a new message today in our series on Nehemiah titled, Experiencing Grassroots Renewal. We are very excited to share this today because developing a hunger and thirst for God is at the core of our ministry at The Moody Bible Institute and here on MOODY PRESENTS. We will move ahead to the first part of Nehemiah chapter 8 and see how God did a miraculous work in bringing 40-thousand people together who were hungry for Him. In the massive rebuilding effort of Jerusalem, the walls were built and doors secure, but it was more important that hearts were in the right place before God. Let’s pick up the story now, here is Pastor Mark Jobe with today’s MOODY PRESENTS.  See for privacy information.