Knowing God With Greg Laurie

Jesus and the Doubter | Sunday Message



Jesus never dealt with any two people in the same way. He is the perfect example of how we can connect with people in our world. So, what would He say to the doubter? Notes:Focus verse: Matthew 11 When Jesus walked this earth, He encountered many people,and He always had time for individuals. John the Baptist was not just significant but super-significant. John offered hope to the people, calling them back to God. John was fearless. He called out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and professionally religious.Matthew 3:7–8 John baptized our Lord in the Jordan river and said,“He must increase, and I must decrease.” John’s job was to prepare the way for the Messiah. Read: Matthew 11:1-11 Before wearing “many crowns,” Jesus would wear the crown of thorns.Before the throne would come the cross. Doubt is not a sin. Sometimes we need to go through the foyer of doubt to get into the sanctuary of certainty. Moses was ready to quit. Elijah was ready to quit after Carmel and hearing Jezebel’s threats. Doubting Thomas wante