
We Belong! Mental Health Access in the Latinx Community



On this episode of Tamarindo, we talk about #therapy and how it can help when we experience #trauma, a timely conversation with recent events that have targeted the #LatinxCommunity.  On August 3rd, the people of El Paso experienced one of the most harrowing attacks in recent history at the hands of a White supremacist that specifically targeted immigrants and Latinos. We pause to reflect on that tragedy and other recent policy changes that are adversely affecting our community. As we referenced, this article outlines how the Trump Administration is deliberately attempting to change the face of America so it looks less....well...brown. At a time when folks in the White House want to tell our community that we don't belong, we know how important it can be to access mental health resources. As part of our commitment to our community's well being, we talk to the creator of the #LatinxTherapy podcast and directory, trauma Psychotherapist, Adriana Alejandre.  We discuss trauma, the barriers to accessing therapy, a