
Parenting: Fuchila o Matraca?



On this episode of Tamarindo Podcast, Ana Sheila and Brenda discuss what they are considering when it comes to #parenting. Ultimately, team tamarindo agrees it is a deeply personal decision, but we are opening up this dialogue to you all as we know you've come to love our genuine conversations even when they might be controversial. One thing is for sure, having children is expensive! We talk about some of the #financialtips to consider when you're about to take on that 250K+ expense. Before that, hear us rant about the  #cachetadas that the #Latinx community is starting 2020 with thanks to #basura such as #AmericanDirt and #TacoWood. Ana Sheila throws #wokeness in the basura and we cover some #Disney pluses and minuses as it relates to #diversity. Here are some of the resources that informed our charla!  The financial journey of modern parentinghttps://mlaem.fs.ml.com/content/dam/ML/Registration/ml_parentstudybrochure.pdfThe cost of raising children today https://www.businessinsider.com/cost-of-raising-a-chil