
Say Fuera to Mind Traps!



On this episode of Tamarindo Podcast, Ana Sheila and Brenda break down some of the most common #mindtraps or what we call mind “trampas”. We discuss the negative thought patterns that hold us back and what we can do when we catch ourselves in these spirals to release our inner #Cabrona (or Cabronx). We are putting  #genderedterms in the #basura and share the plans we have in the works for a #storytelling workshop with our friends at  #Latinaswhobrunch and the theatre company #Teatroluna. Stay tuned for more details!  Special thanks to our episode sponsor Fuchila Fresheners bringing you the extra #Latinx air fresheners including conchas, Frida and hot cheetos.  Use TAMARINDO20 for a special discount at checkout.  Tamarindo podcast is the Latinx show where hosts discuss politics, pop culture, and how to balance it all con calma, hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Ana Sheila Victorino. Join us as we delve into discussions on culture, politics, identity, representation, and life! Find us at https://www.tamarindopodcas