
Love in the Time of Covid with guest co-host Brown Badass Bonita, Kim Guerra



This episode is all about reflections on love and relationships especially in the time of Covid. Brenda is sitting this one out and passing the mic to Kim Guerra, the talent behind Brown Badass Bonita, a brand and movement set on empowering mujeres to give themselves wings. Kim is guest hosting with Ana Sheila and they discuss “all about love” a powerful book on love by American author, professor, feminist, and social activist bell hooks. Kim and Ana Sheila also react and reflect to listeners' own submissions on love and relationships.  Kim Guerra is an artist, writer, and entrepreneur. She is the creator of Brown Badass Bonita, a brand and movement she considers a revolutionary act of self-love and love for our Latinx community. Kim creates apparel that celebrates our culture and empowers mujeres. She creates art that celebrates and explores the complexities of being a Latinx, mujer, PoC, survivor, and guerrera. Kim was recently recognized as an “Agente de Cambio” at Univision’s #premiosjuventud and is pursu