
Latinx Representation with Nielsen



How is the Latinx community consuming media? What progress have we made in Latinx representation? We teamed up with Nielsen to delve into these questions on this episode of Tamarindo.  We partnered with Nielsen, a research company that fuels the media industry with the most accurate understanding of what people listen to and watch. We speak to Stacie M. de Armas, an inclusion & identity researcher, consumer behaviorist, and subject matter expert on diverse communities, about Latinx representation in media. Stacie is Senior Vice President with Inclusive Insights & Initiatives and a Leader within Nielsen's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practice.   Tamarindo podcast is the Latinx show where hosts discuss politics, pop culture, and how to balance it all con calma, hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Ana Sheila Victorino. Join us as we delve into discussions on culture, politics, identity, representation, and life!  Brenda and  Ana Sheila are executive producers of Tamarindo podcast with support from Sonoro Media.